Making a Difference Donors
Judy Kokojan: $15,000
Cherokee Strip Community Foundation Grant 2023: $5,000
Integris Health Community Giving Fund 2023: $7,500
Enid's Art Counsel 2023 $750 (art supplies for art therapy)
OSDH Office of Minority Health and Health Equity Grant 2023 $59,000 (hiring outreach coordinator for hispanic and Marshallese population, linkage to psychiatrist, lead entire team to become certified trauma therapists, psychometric testing)
CDBG Funds (after school program geared towards middle school and high school students)
World Harvest Church ($500 monthly donation to help pay for community outreach services)
Making a Difference Partners
Child Advocacy Center/Care Campus
NOC Partnership (After School Program building)
Making a Difference Board Members
Brad Mendenhall, President
Mike Sturgeon, Vice President
Candace Cuthbertson, Secretary
Justin Simmons, Board Member
Lori Rees, Board Member
Brittany Julianno, Executive Director, Ex officio
Board Meetings
Making a Difference, Inc. board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every quarter at 12:30 PM at 129 N University Ave, Enid OK 73701​